schompDesign studio Sebastopol, Calif. 707 829-3515
schompDesign | Homework first session | Sonoma Web Hosting | Sara's Oasis | work shop offerings |
Create a Web Site Workshop

This class is designed for small business people, artists, craftspeople, educators and anyone who wants to create their own web site or learn to update or over see more knowledgeably a site they already have. The purpose of the workshop is NOT to turn you into a professional web designer. You need to know the basics about how to use a computer before attending this workshop. We can offer you an introductory class in basic computer skills before you take this class if you wish.

What you will do
•You will use Dreamweaver, an application which allows you to build a web site without learning HTML or XTML(Hyper Text Markup Language), which is the programming language of the world wide web.
•You will use Photoshop, Image Ready and IPhoto to prepare your photographs for placement on the web.
•You will use images you gather from the web and graphics you create yourself using Illustrator to enhance your web site.
•You will learn how to put your web page onto the web using an FTP (file transfer protocol) program, how to research and register a domain name, and how to find a hosting service (the company who "broadcasts" your web page to the world).

•You will be introduced to a new application program, Contribute which allows you to edit your web pages while you are viewing them from the web, without any HTML and without the fear of ruining the formatting (the look) of your web page. This software is relatively inexpensive.

•You will burn a CD or make a Zip disk of your web site to take home with you.

Equipment available for your use in the studio:
MacIntosh computers...G3, G4 dual processor, laptops Imac, Powerbook, Jade Scanner, Canon Scanner, Cinema Display, Apple CRT display, Broadband internet access, isight camera, Olympus 6.1 mp digital camera, Sony digital camera, Epson Photo Printer, Hewlett Packard Printer, Zip drive, DVD player/burner, CD drive/burner.

Software available for your use in the studio:
Dreamweaver, Photoshop, ImageReady, Flash, Word, Appleworks, IPhoto, Safari, Explorer, Netscape, Icab, Opera, Fetch, Excel, wide variety of fonts.

Any web work you do can be viewed and worked on by any computer regardless of platform. If you have a Windows system, your work on these MacIntosh computers can also be accessed by a Windows computer.

The Instructor, Sara Schomp is an experienced teacher, who can relieve your anxiety about working with computers. She is a designer and artist who has taught many people, young and old, to use computers and various software programs to accomplish a wide variety of creative outcomes. She has had her own web and print design company for five years. Some examples of her web work and art work may be viewed here. More

Before attending the class you will be asked to gather together your photographs, ideas and artwork for your web site. You will attend the first class with a rough sketch of what you have in mind, and have some idea of the colors you would like to use for your text, background and other page elements. You will be given a list of web sites to view before you arrive, which will guide you in making some choices and decisions about what you want for your site. You will have an approximately 15-30 minute telephone consultation with the instructor prior to the beginning of class.

Cost of Workshops includes use of all equipment and temporary space to serve your web site. Each two and one half hour session includes one hour+ of direct instruction with 2 to 3 students per class. The remainder of the time is spent with each person doing individual work, assisted by the instructor, using the equipment here. The charge is $75. per session. Assited use of the equipment is charged at $35. per hour and this time is arranged with the instructor.

home web site creation workshop metal workshop studio space graduate