a film by Willa Amorelli &
Harry Zollinger
 site created by: schompDesign

The Fisherman
First Sculpture for Florence Avenue. Why did he do it?
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This film tells the story of how Patrick Amiot and his family settled in Sebastopol and how one piece he made, THE FISHERMAN, transformed their lives and the lives of many people in their community. The filmed aired on KRCB Public Television for Pledge fundraising.

Amiot's street is his art gallery. Using recycled materials, Patrick Amiot helps local school district to fund raise with a calendar featuring photos of his numerous sculptures which are placed in front of the houses of his neighbors on Florence Street in Sebastopol.


Some scenes

Fisherman sculpture
Backyard fisherman
He man sculpture.
Weightlifter. Recycle.
Cow sculpture.
In the field with the cows, on the way to Sebastopol from Santa Rosa.
Click on BEAR photo
to see more clips of
film on YouTube


Mad Hatter   He man sculpture. The Queen   Skateboarder  

Film Makers  |  Patrick Amiot & Brigitte Laurent | El Molino Community Film Workshop  |  Sebastopol Film Festival 2007 Contact Film Makers