Willa Amorelli
Harry Zollinger
  site created by: schompDesign

How they came to be:

Harry Zollinger
HARRY’S childhood was spent in the shadows of MGM studio, and childhood play included make believe adventures on abandoned movie sets. Early employment at MGM afforded him the opportunity to spend hours watching the filming of MGM’s early star studded musicals. He never envisioned this return to this first love until signing up for an El Molino film workshop. Harry enjoys presenting someone's story, and his current work includes interviewing older people as they view their lifelong photo albums. He finds their stories compelling and enjoys the opportunity to expand beyond a slideshow with the goal of creating a life story.

Willa Amorelli Filmaker
 WILLA has been working as an artist all her life, creating community based events from her POPEYE'S Hair salon on Main Street in Sebastopol. For years, Willa and her friends organized an extravaganza and float for the Apple Blossom Parade. Willa went on to eventually become a judge for the parade. She is a painter, batik artist, circus performer and filmaker, who began her filmaking career with her well received films of trick performing cats.

Some scenes


Film Makers  |  Patrick Amiot & Brigitte Laurent | El Molino Community Film Workshop  |  Sebastopol Film Festival 2007 Contact Film Makers